We discover something about ourselves when we learn about our ancestors, Its very essential to get to know more and gather information's about our ancestors, even in business knowing the history of your existence will help you expand in your business because its attract blessings. In life we all know that what we dont see is bigger than what we see. I promise you that you will be protected against the intensifying of the adversary, as you participate in the love of searching and identifying the work of the people who has existed in the same land you are existing today. You will be safeguarded in your youths and throughout your lives time. Backwards or forward makes no difference to time, its is divine design for us to exist within our environment. It is very necessary for you to understand the power withing you and you can not achieve that without knowing your root, because knowing your root will help you to understand your mission on earth. Knowing your ancestors will and there function will help enhance your power of hard work, creativity, dedication, commitment, perseverance, responsibility and love. It is not what you believe or what you have read that will change your spiritual and financial life, but its what can experienced directly by knowing the characters of your ancestors.  What ever your views are do not make them a prison always give rooms for change, that is the reason of writing this piece of book, for you to consider looking up to this direction. This way of life is more spiritual than physical, it is an eternal doctrine prepared before the foundation of the world. The greatest responsibility is for us to seek after our dead ancestors. It is our opportunity in this dispensation and our privilege and duty to spend our time in searching out for our ancestors. There is always a blessing attached on doing this work, it is more spiritual than physical.

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