
 How to Start a Successful Blog From Scratch With Blogspot:

Starting a blog is easier than you think, having a domain and a website for your blog site is good and beautiful, but with you can start now without procrastinating. Starting a blog is a superb idea because with blogging you can express your thoughts and ideas to the universe, and you can communicate with everyone around the world, choosing a niche is very necessary when starting a blog. This article will explain all about blogging, as a beginner, business owner, or professional blogger.

business blogging

Steps on Starting And Blogging As A Pro:

As a beginner in blogging even as a professional, it is always important to choose a niche and blog through it, if you have other interests, it's advised to create another blog site to help your readers. Starting a blog is quite easier but making it to the top requires learning more, having patience, and being consistent. Some skills are required in the process like building an email list, SEO, and monetization skills.

Benefits of Starting A Blog On A Blogger.Com

Starting a blog on a blogger is easy and free for a beginner and it does not require professional skill to operate google has made it easier for bloggers many professional bloggers today started from a blogger *You can set up your custom domain for free, 
 *You can configure your SSL certificate for your blog. 
*They provide free design templets and you can also design your own and import it on blogger
*Blogger post editor provides all the necessary tools to help write a professional blog
*You can add menu, features, and other pages if you want
*You can monetize your blog on Google Adsense
In total blogger is an easy and free blogging site, especially for beginners, you can advance to WordPress or other sites in the future but you simply start from the blogger spot

How to Create an Account With Blogger

Sign up for a Google/Gmail Account
Open Blogger and Sign in to A Blogger Account
Choose a profile from Blogger
Create your blog
Choose your blog name, Nitche, Title, and Theme
Publish your blog
blogger tips

tips on blog

templets blog
This photo shows what you expect when you open a blogger site. Let's conclude by discussing how to succeed in blogging generally, be it traveling blog, business, children blog, or any blog of all forms using any platform like blogger, WordPress, wiz, or starting coding from scratch. But we know that WordPress is a winning website when it comes to professional blogging.

Blogging Like A Pro:

As one who wants to make a passive income on blogging, we consider many aspects that may affect us if we don't do it correctly, we must channel our energy into the things we are interested in. In most cases, passion does not pay in business, but following what is trending and obtainable. Write for yourself first & foremost. Ignore the fact that anyone else will read what you write; just focus on your thoughts, ideas, and opinions and figure out how to put those into words. Write it and they will come. Yes, since I’ve been writing for myself, I’ve found that I write more and I publish more often. I think though that the main reason for that is that I don’t decide whether to publish something based on the traction/reception that the post will receive within my audience; instead if I want to publish something, I do so. For myself.

Assuming we all now have advanced on a high level of blogging we all have our WordPress website or any other professional website, we should consider these tips am about to share, 
As you advance remember to install these plugins on your WordPress website it is free to install it will help you with SEO that will help you rank high on google          *Rank Math SEO
         *Anti Spam
                 *W3 Total Catch
                   *WP DB Manager
                        *Easy Privacy Policy
      *Simple SSL

Another thing to consider doing is to Register with Google Analytics. 
And also remember to register your site with Google Search Console and 
Bing Web Master Tool for monetization


If you want to improve on your blogging business remember to contact LucasVon
               he will help guide you on everything you need to know about blogging

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