Learning is the only tool available to help man to elevate his mind and to develop his mental power to think, since thinking is required for mans growth both physically, financially and spiritually. We are what we think so think creatively and properly to develop a reputation for speed and dependability. Unlock your inborn creativity, you have more raw brain power and creativity than you have ever used. Your ability to develop ideas to help you succeed is infinite and unlimited, that is to say that your ability to succeed is unlimited, your creativity is stimulated by three things,: desired goals, pressing problems and focused question, you can increase your intelligent by discipline your self to think creatively.

Skills: is one great tool that is required to help one to be successful and reach his goals. Get a marketable skill learn and develop it by searching out what is trending and what suits you and what will help your environment. WE have what is called high income skills, Soft skills and Hard skills. The soft skills are natural or inborn, its only require one to develop it, they are:  *Creativity    *Persuasion   *Collaboration   *Adaptation   and   * Time management. Hard skills are:  * Cloud computing and   * Artificial intelligence.

To learn to be self reliance is to learn how to equip your self with convincing power in your field with the power of persuasion, how to access the hidden power within, developing skill is within. My foundation principle, skill and habits is to seek learning, to persevere, to work and take responsibility, to solve problems and make deceptions, to manage money and keep focus and listen from my inner self. 

Training: train your self by training your mental power to create and think solutions instead of problems, training and learning is one thing that one need to be persistently doing, because it is necessary for your growth and business success. The gift is higher faculty, your perception, memory, imagination, reasoning, intuition and wheel are all high mental tools one need to train himself from and that is the beginning of more training ahead. Ideas well converted is success, knowledge well applied is wisdom. Have great understanding, learn the required lessons and never repeat mistakes..💏💓👃✋👤👏

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