Learning Experience 4
Cultivating an environment of Love, Respect and Purpose
Understanding the influence of Christlike Love: Having Christlike love helps make our lives
richer. It has a positive influence on others. And as both teachers and students, when we imbibe
Christlike love, it enhances learning experience.
Cultivating an environment of Love and respect: We should understand that love softens hearts
and invites the influence of the Holy ghost. So, if we teach with Love, we will be magnified as
instruments in the hands of Him whom we serve. Teaching with an environment filled with love
helps students become truly converted.
However, students should be made to understand the importance of loving god by studying the
scriptures diligently and apply what they learn and share with others. Teachers can show love of
Christ for their students by
learning students names
seek to know their interest, talents, challenges
pray for them
welcome each students personally etc.
Establishing a sense of purpose: Having the same sense of purpose as teachers and students gives
direction and meaning to classroom experience. It also cultivates an environment that invites
I understand that without the pure love of Christ I will not succeed in magnifying my calling. I have
to have continued love for my students and don't give up on them, I have to genuinely try to
improve my performance, knowledge and attitude as it is necessary to assist me in accomplishing
the objectives of Seminary & Institute. Also I have to have a good lesson plan I.e prepare learning activities and materials needed for each class and have an established class routine. All these helps
gives a sense of purpose to me and my students and helps us have a wonderful classroom
Learning Experience 5
Experiencing the learning pattern
Introducing a learning pattern: Teachers are expected to introduce the learning pattern to students
which helps both the teachers and students discover, understand and apply gospel truths in their
lives. This pattern consist of-
1. Understanding the context and content: Based on the parable of the gem, understanding the
context and content helps teachers and students recognise the messages of the inspired
author, the story line, people, place, dates etc. Through this the teacher clarifies and
illustrates gospel doctrines and principles and other basic truths.
2. Identify doctrine and principles: identifying doctrine and principles helps teachers and
students apply the scriptures and words of the prophet into their lives. And following from
the parable some eternal truths in the scriptures are easily identified while others require
more efforts to discover. It takes thoughtful effort and practice.
3. Understand doctrine and principle: Diligently and thoughtfully studying the scriptures helps
us understand the identified doctrines and principles more deeply, and how it affects our
4. Feel the truth and importance of doctrine and principles: hen we feel the truth and
importance of any doctrine and principle, we understand how important we need to apply it
in our lives. As teachers we are expected to teach the truth and help students deepen their
testimony and this understanding helps students put into action all they have learnt.
5. Apply doctrines and principles: Teachers should help students apply the gospel principles in
their lives, as the spirit gives direction. In addition, teachers can also measure the level of
his/her effectiveness when he/she observes that the student understand the truth and how
they apply it into their lives.
Applying the learning patter in Gospel study: when students follow the learning pattern, it makes
it easy for them to understand and apply gospel truths in their lives.
I understand that I have the responsibility of teaching the doctrines and principles as found in the scriptures and words of the prophets. Both teacher and students must feel the truth and plant them
deep in their hearts and there are learning patterns which makes it easy to identify, understand and
apply the truths in our lives.
Learning Experience 6
Understanding Context and Content
Understanding the meaning of context and content: context means circumstances that surround
or give background knowledge to a particular scriptural passage, event or history and it is a means
to understanding scriptural content.
Content includes the story line, people, events, sermons and inspired explanations that make up the
scripture text. The content gives life and relevance to the doctrines and principles found in the
Understanding the importance of context and content:
Context- context clarifies and deepens understanding of the stories, teachings, doctrines and
principles in the scripture text.
Content- Content gives life and relevance to the doctrine and principles found in the scripture block.
Discovering content and context in the scripture: we can easily discover and understand the
content and context of the scripture by asking questions and searching reliable sources for answers
such as Bible dictionary, maps and so on.
I am reminded that while preparing my lesson I have to be acquainted with the lesson the scripture
teaches, learn the background setting and study as though they were speaking to me.
Learning Experience 7
Identifying doctrine and principles
Identifying stated doctrine and principles: states doctrine and principles are easy to identify because they are stated clearly and overtly in the scripture text. Most times they begin with therefore,
thus we see, behold, if ye and so on in phrases.
Identifying implied doctrines and principles: implied doctrine and principles are not stated
clearly or directly by the scripture writer but are implied in the text. We can discover them by
looking for cause-and-effect relationships within the scripture block. Also, by analyzing the actions,
attitude and behaviors of individuals or group in the scriptural account.
I have come to understand that for doctrine and principles, it is not about reading a passage and
going to the next rather it is my ability to identify doctrines and principles through thoughtful
efforts which gives me an insight to every scriptural passage.
Learning Experience 8
Understanding, Feeling and Applying Doctrines and Principles
Getting the Gospel into our hearts: The importance of gospel learning is to invite the Holy ghost
to help us get the doctrines and principles of the gospel into our hearts.
Understanding doctrine and principles: by this we need to analyse the meaning of the principles
by asking questions and searching for answers and how it affects our lives.
Feeling the truth and importance of doctrine and principles: we reflect on the impact that the
principles has had in our lives and as teachers we provide opportunities for students to bear witness
and inspire students to think about living gospel principles.
Applying doctrine and principles: Application occurs when teachers and students think, speak and
live according to principles learnt. As teachers we should give students time in class to meditate on,
ponder or write about what they have understood of felt and how they would apply it to their lives.
I understand that as a GOSPEL TEACHER I will not just pour out information into the minds of
my students but will help inspire my students to think about, feel about and do something about
living gospel principles. Also, I will encourage them to ask for guidance and direction from the

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