It takes a very strong mind to understand and develop his brain power, as it is written calmness is power and to be brave requires a strong mental power and to be vigilant is not fear and intelligent surpassed rougadity. We are on earth to understand that there forces which inspire thought and direct one to do good or evil , those are the forces which constitute environment and determine the nature of ones earthly destiny.

 The adversity and problems forces one to seek ways and means to definite ends by highly thinking solution, meditation and introspective thought, this leads to the discovery and use of sixth brain through which you may interact with infinite intelligence.


Environment consists of all the mental and physical forces which affect and influence human beings, the means in which the brain thought are fed comes from ones environment. Life gives no one immunity against adversity, but life gives to everyone the power of positive thought which is enough to master all circumstances of adversity and convert them into benefits.

Activation of brain to work and think solutions makes one to be quite and never talk too much, because much talk are for those who don’t know how to cap, the fight is never in the physical but in the brain, the habit of expressing loosely organized unwanted opinions is one of the most destructive of habits. The person who talks too much informs the world of his aims and plans and gives to others the avenue to copy and still his ideas. Wise men keep their plans to them selves and retrain from expressing uninvited opinions.


There is but one thing of grater importance to man, that is accurate thought, it is the solution to all humans problems, the answer to prayers, the source of opulence and all material possession.

No one on earth can be entirely free spiritually, mentally, physically and economically without learning how to master his brain thought accurately. And no one can learn to think accurately without including sex as a part of the needed knowledge.


Man has control over nothing here on earth and has no assurance of the permanent use of anything except his own power of brain thought.

 No human being owes another any degree of duty which stops him from developing his brain power to think solutions, to solve problems and render services to his environment.

Only the strong survive and the wise rules, no one can be strong or wise without removing himself from all influences which develop negative thought and habits.

     The brain can never be idle cause nature will not tolerate idleness or vacuums of any sort, all space must be filled with something when the individual does not use the brain for the expression of positive creative thoughts, nature fills the vacuum by forcing the brain to act upon negative thought.

Nature is not interested in morals as such, not interested in justice or injustice, its only interested in forcing everything to express action according to its nature. The developed sources of knowledge is in the brain.


Every normal adult brain has within its mechanism the possibility of direct communication with infinite intelligence. Through the law of evolution the human brain is being perfect to communicate at will with infinite intelligence. The perfect will may come through organized development of the brain through its adaptation to natures laws. Time is the only factor which brings perfection. Time is natures seasoning influence through which human experience may be ripened into wisdom, man are not burn with wisdom.

We should take nothing for granted where caution provides a way to insure his success. Power is not in the physical

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