A jack of all trade and a master of none has been a quote of old right from when i was younger, many of us have heard or come across this quote, but little did we know that the quote is not a complete quote without, But often times better than a master of none. We as entrepreneur's should master many skills, we should think like a jack, we should master many trade, even bible writers also included this lesson in the so called holy book where its state that we should not put our hands in one basket that we should do this work and the other work because we do not know which one the Lord we bless us with. Most times mastering many skills does not mean that we are really going to make use of the skills we've mastered. Do not let any body discourage you by this quote or any related statement. Always learn to master/develop new skills. The world needs a jack of all trade, just take a look at the world grate men and billionaires today, they re all jack of all trade. Let me tell you this before i proceed, been jack of all trade does not mean that you won't learn the the trade you want to venture into, no it means you will always learn and master new skills. I am a handy man or could be specified as roofing installer, but haves mastered internet/digital/social media marketing and recently i venture into learning data-science with python. always lear and master new and modern skill, to be able to evolve as the world evolves. Just listen what my colleagues got to say on this subject.

David Meding 45 years ago my formal training was in residential carpentry. My mentor made sure we paid attention to what the plumbers and electricians did and how ALL of the trades needed to be a cohesive unit. For the past 2 years I have been correcting the "expert" work of the plumbers and electricians who built my house 12 years ago. Those of you who believe it is only possible to be skilled in one trade are the types of elitists who choose not to learn anything from others.

Phillip Lawrence A house is a system, every section is dependent on another. The separation of trades is a problem. It always creates the “not my job” mentality.

Travis J Eynard Being a jack of all trades is the good way of never being able to make any kind of real money

Daryl Young business success is about business. How you conduct business will dictate success more than quality. If you have both you are a winner.

David Monroe I'm an electrician by trade , I was required to cross rate train in the Seabees which exposed me to all trade work . With everything I learned the most important was that jack can help but should never be left unsupervised.

Terry Benz I’ll take Jack every time he’s not limited! He’s fails to succeed...

Ruben Mar I run a remodeling company and I train my crew to do different tasks, drywall , minor framing, painting fence and decks. But there’s stuff like plumbing and electrical we don’t touch, that being said there is some logic to the complete quote imo.

Al Inzodda Master of one is code for the laziest guy on the job site. “ oh I don’t do that” Take another shit break!

Andrew Parker Better than a master of one? So you can't do anything professionally and hack job it up many different ways where the master of one finishes the job correctly inside and out. Just because something looks good doesn't mean it's right. Back to the drawing board with this quote.

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