Becoming an Entrepreneur: is a great task to take this part of been self reliance, you would have the ability to choose your own work hours and income level and becoming your own boss. Many dream about this ideal life, but is difficult a little bit to succeed as an entrepreneur or as a business owner, but you need to be prepared for this change of mind set and change in life style. Many start a business that eventually dies within two years of establishment, about 25% of startups fail in the first one to two years of business and many dont make a profit in their first year.

The entrepreneurs who do succeed share similar traits, resourcefulness to synthesize different skills and be exposed to business opportunities to generate income, for instance, they run a salable online and offline business or e-commerce store.


1; Copy-writing, Business writing, Technical writing

2;Becoming an Influence

3; Web design and Digital Marketing

4; Coaching and Training

5; Machine Leaning

6; Data Analytics

7; Construction and Invention

Every entrepreneur need to be exposed in leaning and mastering many skills and developing high income skills

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