Understanding Your Career Goals and Networking

The learning process is endless, we must read, study, observe, assimilate and we must ponder that which we expose our minds.  I SO MUCH BELIEVE IN THE  evolution of the mind of humanity, I believe in improvement, in growth. There is something more meaningful as invigorating as being able to evaluate and then solve a difficult problem, to hold on to something that looks almost unsolvable and then find a resolution or a method. LEARN ABOUT your own skill, find out about career options including the skills and education required. Make a plan that will help you reach your goals, you have to decide on the type of employment or skill you needed that you will be good at then you would set some goals that will help you get the job you want. As you make your action plans write down mentors, coaches, people in the chosen profession you are interested in, and other resources who can provide information or referrals to help you achieve your goals. Quotes; for the earth is full and there is enough and to spare, yea I prepare all things an have given unto you to be agents unto your selves. A RECENT survey has shown that only 14% of new jobs are found through want ads and 13% through employment agencies, the most valuable sources of new jobs are networking. AS you strive to build skills and build financial stability use all available resources. Networking leads to many new jobs, the purpose of this writing is to help you understand networking and create avenue on how to develop it, you will now identify the resources already available to you and make a plan to begin contacting them in other to create more avenues.


A network consists of the people around you who can either help you directly or lead you to someone else or to more information, you have started building a strong network by communicating with people around you asking them to help you with your goals and it may have potential to become broader than you think because everyone you know, know someone else who may help you.


1; Telephone directories: two easily accessible tools you can use when building your network are the local telephone and business directories, directories can provide a wealth of information that you not expect. If you try this directory method and mark every business or government agency that can help you, you will be surprised how fast your network list will grow.

2; The Internet: has a wide range of information that can help you access a lot of information fast, make sure that you search long enough to find useful information, but still make sure you take action and make application of your information and start contacting people either by email or phone number. 

3: Word of mouth; this is very important on building relationships or networking, always go places pertaining to the field or career you have chosen, meet new people every day exchange contacts, and always remembering to do the follow-up.

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